Chickpea Flour

Chickpea Flour

Chickpeas are high in fiber, with a decent amount of healthy carbs and protein. They are low in fat and contain lots of folate and manganese. Chickpeas are recommended to help with weigh control, and as a source of plant-based protein. They have a relatively low glycemic index, and can be part of a healthy diet for people with diabetes or those looking to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol. Chickpea flour is an easy to way include this nutritious food in your diet.


Wild chickpeas likely originated in Turkey, before they were domesticated and spread to the Mediterranean region and India thousands of years ago. There are many names for this type of flour: chickpea, garbanzo, cici, gram, and besan flour are commonly used. There are tons of different varieties of chickpeas, but chickpea flour is usually made from either kala chana or kabuli chickpeas. In Indian grocery stores, the type of chickpea flour made from kala chana is called gram or besan flour, whereas the type made from kabuli chickpeas is just called chickpea flour. The two types are very similar, but there are a few differences. Gram/besan flour will be finer and denser, but kabuli flour will be fluffier and slightly more course. This will not affect the flavor much, but regular chickpea flour will require more water than gram/besan flour to reach the same consistency.


During times of coffee shortages, chickpeas were roasted and brewed as an alternative to coffee. This is less common now, but you can still buy chickpea coffee or make your own by roasting chickpeas until they’re dark like a coffee bean.

Chickpea flour is very affordable and you can either buy it online, or at your local Indian grocery store. You can also make your own chickpea flour from whole chickpeas.


Double chocolate cookies from Occasionally Eggs

Chickpea flour recipes:


Besan ka halwa from Indian Ambrosia

Traditional chickpea flour recipes:


Burmese tofu from Bob's Red Mill

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