I made a free food allergy translation app

I made a free food allergy translation app

I travel a lot, which has historically meant buying new food allergy cards for each country if I don’t speak the language. As much as I attempt to learn a bit of the language before I travel, I don’t want to trust my health to it! But it also gets pretty expensive and bulky to carry around a bunch of different allergy cards.

Besides the price and inconvenience of ordering a new food allergy card each time, I also haven’t been satisfied with the allergens communicated on the cards available. Many either list only some of the foods that might contain the allergen, or they only allow for one food allergy at a time.

So I took it into my own hands and made an app that generates a food allergy card based on the allergens and languages selected. It’s totally free to use.

The food allergy translator

allergens languages

  • This is a work in progress and there are probably bugs. So if you try out the card, please feel free to email ask.gluten.guide@gmail.com with any critiques or suggestions. I’m new to coding and can use all the feedback.

  • This app is still in development and the translations are currently courtesy of Google Translate, along with some helpful input from friends. I’ll update this page once native speakers have translated each card. For now, use with caution.

  • Generic allergen lists are used for most cards, but some of them have special allergen lists that are specific to the food from countries where those languages are spoken. This is the case for gluten allergens in Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and Thai.

* Title image courtesy of Andrew Stutesman via Unsplash.

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