Gluten Free Cold Cereals

Gluten Free Cold Cereals

Malt flavoring is an additive that makes cold cereals unsafe for celiacs when the ingredients are otherwise gluten free. Some cereals are made of gluten-containing grains, which would also disqualify them. Because of the way cereal is manufactured, there’s a high risk of cross-contamination. To be safe, we’d recommend sticking to only certified gluten free cereals.

Gluten free cold cereals are becoming more common, but you might still be unsure if you can eat some of your old favorites. Here’s a rundown of mainstream cereals that are now certified gluten free, as well as some lesser-known brands. Granolas and oatmeals aren’t included here.

gf cold cereals

Os from freestocks via Unsplash

Gluten free cold cereals:

gf cold cereals

Honey Rice Puffins

gf cold cereals

Maple Waffle Catalina Crunch via Nosh

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Loops+milk from David Streit via Unsplash

gf cold cereals

Envirokids cereal review from Go Dairy Free

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Flakes from Sten Ritterfeld via Unsplash

Let us know if we missed any great gluten free cold cereals!

* Title image courtesy of Markus Spiske via Unsplash.

- Further Reading -