Gluten Free Oatly Alternatives

Gluten Free Oatly Alternatives

Updated October 2023

Oatly is gluten free in the US, but it’s not gluten free elsewhere in the world because different oats are used in different regions. Check out our Oatly article for more info. Because Oatly isn’t an option for celiacs living outside the US, we found some great alternatives.

Another important note: in addition to oat sources varying according to country within a single brand, some brands sell both certified gluten free oat milks, as well as uncertified oat milks, so it can be a bit tricky!

Oatly Alternatives

All of these oat milks are gluten free, many are fortified with vitamins and minerals, and most will froth really well. My current favorite is Califia, but I haven’t tried all of them yet, so I’d love to hear your opinion. If we missed any, feel free to give us a shout! As always, be sure to double-check labels to ensure the oat milk you purchase is GF.

oatly alternative

Califia Barista from Bean Scene

oatly alternative

oatly alternative

Rebel Mylk Original from Pachamama

* Title image courtesy of Fahmi Fakhrudin via Unsplash.

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